The Urgency of Electronic Notary Protocol Storage in E-Notary Perspective
1Vamelia Kencana, 2Ahmad Syaufi, 3Rahmida Erliyani
1Master of Notary, University of Lambung Mangkurat
2,3Faculty of Law, University of Lambung Mangkurat

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The more advanced times and technology oblige all elements in society to also participate in these developments, including in the context of the legal field, especially in the field of Notary Public, namely the electronic storage of Notary Protocols. However, there is still no regulation that clearly, unequivocally, and concretely regulates the electronic storage of Notary Protocols in positive law regarding notary affairs in Indonesia, resulting in a legal vacuum (vacuum norm). So, the purpose of this legal scientific research article is to analyze whether the urgency of storing Notary Protocols electronically in the perspective of e-notary and how the legal certainty of storing Notary Protocols electronically in Notary Law. The legal scientific research article method used is a general method, namely the normative legal scientific research article method. So that the results of this legal scientific research articles are first, there is no certainty about how to maintain and store the Notary Protocol to be prone to damage, loss and destruction when stored conventionally, even though in terms of urgency, electronic storage of Notary Protocols is very important to make it easier for Notaries, both in terms of economics and law. Second, the implementation of ENotary cannot be implemented because there is no legal certainty in the form of laws and regulations that specifically regulate services by Notaries in electronic form. So that there is a need for more specific rules that strictly regulate the mechanisms and responsibilities of Notaries in carrying out their duties and authorities in storing Notary Protocols and it is hoped that the government can create a legal umbrella regarding matters related to technology in the notary world in Indonesia.


Protocol Storage, Notary, E-Notary.


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